preheader would
go here

program name
goes here

A short, powerful hook statement that shares the clear outcome prospects can expect from your program. Grab your ideal client’s attention and spark their curiosity!
countdown copy goes here
Play Video

a header
would go here

Play Video
A short sentence that hooks your prospect to watch your video. Examples: Why [PROGRAM NAME]?, Ready to [RESULT]?, Struggling to [PAIN POINT]? Watch this.

tell me,
is this you?


Three to six bullet points listing your ideal client’s most important pain points or desired results they WANT, but are struggling to get.

Read More
What are they struggling with or missing? What’s holding them back?
Read More

Think about what your program provides and work backwards to find the core problems your offering solves.

Read More

Example: “You’re tired of being passed up for a promotion year after year, despite working overtime.”

Read More
Example: “You struggle with staying consistent with your YouTube channel, and your views are steadily declining.”
Read More

Example: “You find it almost impossible to save money and build wealth, no matter how hard you try”

Read More

imagine if...

Three to six bullet points listing the most beneficial outcomes of your service. What will your idea customer learn, gain or achieve?
What are their biggest desires that your program can help them unlock?
Example: “You finally have a pay grade that matches the value you bring to your workplace.”
Example: “Getting more views on Youtube becomes effortless, because you have a workflow that works FOR you and not against you.”
Example: “You’re able to step into your fullest potential and no longer second-guess who you are and the value you provide.”


program name

A proven system to take [IDEAL CLIENT] from [POINT A] to [POINT B] in [TIME] days.

who this program is for:

Archetype 1

A clear, descriptive sentence outlining a certain part of your demographic that would most benefit from this offering based on their struggles and needs.

Archetype 2

A clear, descriptive sentence outlining a certain part of your demographic that would most benefit from this offering based on their struggles and needs.

Archetype 3

A clear, descriptive sentence outlining a certain part of your demographic that would most benefit from this offering based on their struggles and needs.
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying

"Two to four client success stories.
Try to choose testimonials
that show the breadth of your
offerings and/or the subsequent
positive outcomes."

Each testimonial should give the reader more information or insight (as opposed to a list of clients saying how much they love you over and over again—nice, but not super helpful!). Try to include first names, photos, and even a pertinent description of each client you’re quoting—the more context readers have, the more likely they are to connect with an existing client’s story.
Client name goes here,
client company/role/industry

"Two to four client success stories.
Try to choose testimonials
that show the breadth of your
offerings and/or the subsequent
positive outcomes."

Each testimonial should give the reader more information
or insight (as opposed to a list of clients saying how much they love you over and over again—nice, but not super helpful!).

Client name goes here,
client company/role/industry

whats inside
the program

A bulleted list of 3-6 points summarizing the program’s features and how it all works.
For example: How many modules? Are there calls included?
Is there a private community attached? What type of access, lifetime or specific container?

This is an opportunity to summarize the type of tangible benefits they receive from investing in your program!

take a peek inside the modules

module one

Highlight each module or session in
your program with a brief
description of what they’ll learn
inside and what outcome they will
get as a result. This is a chance for
your audience to view the inner
workings of the program/offering
and better understand how the
content will be presented.

module two

Highlight each module or session in your program with a brief description of what they’ll learn inside and what outcome they will get as a result. This is a chance for your audience to view the inner workings of the program/offering and better understand how the content will be presented.

module three

Highlight each module or session in your program with a brief description of what they’ll learn inside and what outcome they will get as a result. This is a chance for your audience to view the inner workings of the program/offering and better understand how the content will be presented.

hey there

i'm vanessa

A short paragraph with some key points about yourself, your credentials and your offering. If people aren’t convinced to purchase yet, this is a good way to gain their trust and connect with them on an emotional level.
What’s your story?
Why do you do what you do?
Try to weave in as much credibility, personality and relatability as possible—you’ve been where they are and you know how to help!

is [program name]
for you?

This is for you if…

In this section, in one column you want to emphasize who this program is for.

In the other column, you want to describe who it’s not for.

Before they decide to invest, this is a good opportunity to qualify your prospect.

This is noT for you if…

By attracting those with qualities you want, you will repel those who wouldn’t be a good fit.

For example: “This program is not for you if you are not willing to put in the work to finally get [DESIRED RESULT].”

what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying
what our clients are saying

"An outtake from the video testimonial would go here."

This is space for more information if the above heading isn't enough.
Client name goes here,
Client company/role/industry

"An outtake from the video testimonial would go here."

This is space for more information if the above heading isn't enough.
Client name goes here,
Client company/role/industry

an appeal
readers to commit

Option 1 HEADER

Price breakdown 1


Option 2 HEADER

Price breakdown 3


Option 3 HEADER

Price breakdown 3


an appeal
readers to commit

Option 1 HEADER

Price breakdown 1


Option 2 HEADER

Price breakdown 3


an appeal
readers to commit

Option 1 HEADER

Price breakdown 1


preheader goes here

a final appeal
to readers

This is your final opportunity to sell your program. Appeal to your ideal customer based on everything you know about them! Maybe it’s the cost of just two months of chai lattes? Maybe there are free, bonus features or benefits that increase the overall value? Send them off with inspiration and drive to purchase!

frequently asked questions

FAQ 1 goes here

Aenean metus lectus, blandit vitae nunc non,molestie pulvinar augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis arturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum temporvel ut nisl. Donec malesuada posuere eros, nec semper turpis. Fusce sed rutrum est. ellentesque convallis pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ut pulvinar elit, vitae.

FAQ 2 goes here

Aenean metus lectus, blandit vitae nunc non,molestie pulvinar augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis arturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum temporvel ut nisl. Donec malesuada posuere eros, nec semper turpis. Fusce sed rutrum est. ellentesque convallis pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ut pulvinar elit, vitae.

FAQ 3 goes here

Aenean metus lectus, blandit vitae nunc non,molestie pulvinar augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis arturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum temporvel ut nisl. Donec malesuada posuere eros, nec semper turpis. Fusce sed rutrum est. ellentesque convallis pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ut pulvinar elit, vitae.

FAQ 4 goes here

Aenean metus lectus, blandit vitae nunc non,molestie pulvinar augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis arturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum temporvel ut nisl. Donec malesuada posuere eros, nec semper turpis. Fusce sed rutrum est. ellentesque convallis pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ut pulvinar elit, vitae.

FAQ 5 goes here

Aenean metus lectus, blandit vitae nunc non,molestie pulvinar augue. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis arturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fermentum quam neque. Phasellus eu felis ut justo bibendum temporvel ut nisl. Donec malesuada posuere eros, nec semper turpis. Fusce sed rutrum est. ellentesque convallis pulvinar dignissim. Curabitur ut pulvinar elit, vitae.

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